Application overview

Datto SaaS Defense is easy to use and navigate. Application features enable you to do the following:

  • Access and investigate detailed threat information
  • Send your organization an "alert" automatically when a malicious attack on a client's application is detected
  • Create threat detection reports for your clients
  • Monitor and configure client information

Datto Report Threat Application

A key component of Datto SaaS Defense is the Defense Report Threat add-in application for Microsoft Outlook. It enables client end users to notify you via Outlook when an email may have been incorrectly allowed or blocked by Datto SaaS Defense. The Defense Report Threat application is a convenient method for end users to request that you address the incident. When reporting an incident, the end user is required to identify the type of threat, such as unknown sender, extortion, or spam. For more information, see the Events page description.

Main menu

Each Datto Saas Defense page is accessed from the Main menu.

A description of each page is provided below.