Getting acquainted with Datto SaaS Defense

This section provides basic information about the Datto SaaS Defense security solution and introduces you to the application's features.

Datto SaaS Defense quick start guide

The Quick Start Guide includes links to videos and articles designed to get you up and running quickly with Datto SaaS Defense.

Activating Datto SaaS Defense

This section covers the tasks required to activate SaaS Defense for your eligible clients.

Managing clients

The Managing Clients section provides important information for managing your clients. This includes accessing service seat information and configuring blocklists and allowlists for your clients.

Working with Datto SaaS Defense

This section focuses on the common tasks you perform when working with Datto SaaS Defense. Adding notifications, analyzing threats, creating reports, and performing live email searches are just some of the tasks covered in this section.

Additional resources

In this section you'll find information for using the Online Help system and Datto SaaS Defense resources such as the glossary and system release notes.