Adding a notification on the Notifications page

IMPORTANT  The procedures described in this article can be performed by Datto partners only.

On the Notifications page, you create and manage automated communications.


A notification is a standard message you create that is automatically sent to you when a certain situation occurs. For example, you may want to create a notification alerting you when a client has been subjected to a malicious attack or when a malicious email has been read by an end user. Receiving a notification makes you aware of the situation when it happens and can investigate.

When adding a notification, you identify the clients for whom the situation applies. However, for some situations, like a malicious attack, you may want to be notified when the situation occurs for any of your clients. Therefore, you create a notification that applies to all of your clients.

Notifications page

After you create a notification, a record of the notification is listed on the Notifications page.

The information provided on the Notifications page is described in the table below.

Column Description
Client The name of the client.
Region The region in which the client is located.
Type The situation in which the message applies. The possible values are:
  • Malicious
  • Malicious Email Read by User
  • Notification on Reported Email
Channel The method by which a message is communicated. Currently, Email is the only valid choice.
Name The content of the standard message.
Clients Included The name(s) and number of clients to whom the message applies.
Enabled Indicates whether the notification is currently activated. When activated, the notification is sent when the situation occurs.