Creating new policies

This article describes the criteria and procedures for creating new policies and includes the steps for editing and deleting existing policies.

IMPORTANT  Some policies will continue to be created and maintained as they always have. The following articles include the information for configuring those policies:
Changing the SaaS Defense operating mode, Configuring the Email Threat Report, Deploying the Datto SaaS Defense Report Threat Add-In, Configuring the Rewrite Body Urls rule, Configuring the Replace Body on Block rule, Check SPF Spoofing per Domain configuration, Configuring spam control rules.

Policy criteria

When creating a new policy, you specify the following criteria:

  • Action: A policy can either block or allow access to specific content.
  • Policy Type: The component for which the policy is being created. The policy types are Email, File, and Link.
  • Trigger: The trigger and the value you assign to it comprise the policy's criteria. An email policy can include more than one trigger. Email, file, and link triggers can have more than one value. See the Triggers section below.
  • Client: The clients for which the policy applies. When a client creates a policy, this is not an available option, as a client can create a policy for itself only.
  • Services: The services for which the policy applies.


Each policy type has associated triggers. When creating an email policy, you have your choice of common email elements to select as a trigger. When creating a file or link policy, there is only one trigger for each, which is preselected.

A trigger must have a value that you assign to it. The trigger and the value comprise the policy's criteria.

The table lists the associated triggers for each policy type and describes requirements for entering trigger values.

Policy type Trigger options Trigger value requirements
Email From Address,To Address, Return Path, Subject, Domain, Header
  • From/To Address, Return Path: Valid email address. For example,
    Note: The email address can include a maximum of 30 characters.
  • Subject: Minimum of three characters. Free text field that is case-sensitive. For example, Invoice.
  • Domain: Valid domain. For example,
  • Header: Format -
    Header name:Value
    For example: IP Address: See the Common Header trigger example section below.
File File Extension NA - You select extensions from a list.
Link URL URLs can be entered in the following formats:
  • Domain name only as in
  • Subdomain/host name as in

EXAMPLE   Let's say you want to create an email policy for your organization that blocks all emails sent from the email address. The appropriate trigger in this example is From Address. The value of the trigger is
When the policy is enabled, any email that your organization receives whose From address is will be blocked.

EXAMPLE  Your company is affiliating with a new vendor to process benefit enrollments for next year. The URL of the vendor's benefits site,, will be included in the company email announcing the enrollment period. To make sure your employees can access the site, you create a Link policy that allows access and specify as the URL trigger value.

Multiple triggers and values

An email policy can include more than one trigger. The criteria for each trigger must be met for the policy to be enforced. For example, the criteria for Trigger A AND the criteria for Trigger B must be met for the policy to be enforced. If the criteria for only one (or none) of the triggers is met, the policy won't be enforced.

Email, file, and link triggers can have more than one value. Only one trigger value must be met for the policy to be enforced. For example, Trigger A has three values assigned to it. Therefore, value 1 OR value 2 OR value 3 must be true for the policy to be enforced. If none of the values are met, the policy won't be enforced.

EXAMPLE  ExampleCo creates an email policy to block emails received from two addresses that have a specific subject. The policy defines From Address as a trigger and and no as the trigger values.
In addition, the policy includes the Subject trigger with invoice as the value. This policy blocks any email ExampleCo receives whose From address is OR no AND whose Subject is invoice.

EXAMPLE  ExampleCo creates a file policy to block access to content containing specific file extensions. The policy defines .cmd and .exe as the trigger values for the File Extension trigger.

IMPORTANT  Trigger values are not listed in the table. For email policies that have more than one trigger, the table displays only the first trigger that was added. To display all trigger details, including multiple triggers and trigger values, click the policy's record.

To hide the trigger details, click the policy's record again.

NOTE  A policy cannot include more than one action. For example, the same policy cannot block one email address but allow another. A separate policy for each action would be required.
In addition, a policy cannot include more than one policy type. For example, the same policy cannot include an email policy type and a link policy type. A separate policy would be required for each.
